Last weekend Deepha and I went down to Jan's so we could go down to Richmond Championship Show at Losely Park, with her and Barbara.
(Barbara has Kobra's brother Sam)
It was a lovely sunny day left Jan's at approx 5.45 am but it took us ages to get there because of road works on the A1, we finerly arrived at 9.45 am ish so it was a mad dash to the ring as judging was at 10 and we were first in the ring which was unusual to say the least anyway Jan was in first with her young pup they had called the class but Zena Thorn Andrews was the judge and told Jan to take her time so not to freek Yaz out.
Zena was getting through the classes very quickly before I new it I was in with Deepha.
Deepha won her class then went on to challenge for best bitch which she won.
Then was the time for the CC it was a single which for those reading this and don't know who ever gets BOB gets the CC no matter if its a dog or bitch (thank god this is the last single)
Well much to my surprise Deepha won the CC this is her first but I hope not her last.
There is no more CC's to challenge for this year we will have to wait till Crufts 2010.
So as you can guess we all came home floating.
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