Well my holidays are over now till next year.
The weather has got realy cold now had a little bit of snow a couple of days ago but had a heavy night of frost for it to rest on.
Went to Preston to do my shopping yesterday the roads were frosty so took it slowly, had a nice time on my own just daudling slowly round the shops with no dogs to worry about they stayed with John at home.
Don't like this time of year it's either wet or very cold, nights draw in to quickly and with the weather being bad most of the time you can't venture to far on foot or by road, and with my family doing its own thing around christmas puts a damper on it for me, but my granddaughter has decided she would like to come for chritmas dinner so I will try to make it a good time for her I am looking forward to it.
John and I have booked christmas dinner at one of the local pubs on christmas eve, so I will enjoy that as I won't be cooking or cleaning up.
Well back to work next week. (no rest for the wicked so they say.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Monday, 14 December 2009
Deepha and I got up very early Sunday morning to heavy frosted roads to start our journey to Birmingham for the LKA Championship show.
Deepha was entered in the NSCP Open class she showed her socks of as usual and won 2nd place then she was called in for reserve best NSCP and won that also.
The LKA is the last show of the year, so Deepha can have a rest as her next show is not till February 2010.
Deepha was entered in the NSCP Open class she showed her socks of as usual and won 2nd place then she was called in for reserve best NSCP and won that also.
The LKA is the last show of the year, so Deepha can have a rest as her next show is not till February 2010.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Saturday, 28 November 2009
It's my granddaughter Jennifers 21st birthday today and we have just been to have a meal and a small party with her and a few of her friends that my daughter organised.
The meal was very good and so was the company, we had a good laugh and jennifer said she realy enjoyed it.
My daughter told jennifer that John and I couldn't make the party as I was at a dog show .
John and I got to the pub before she arrived so we could surprise her, when she came in her face was a picture so glad to see us, she was gob smacked eye's popping out of her head, well worth the white lie.
The meal was very good and so was the company, we had a good laugh and jennifer said she realy enjoyed it.
My daughter told jennifer that John and I couldn't make the party as I was at a dog show .
John and I got to the pub before she arrived so we could surprise her, when she came in her face was a picture so glad to see us, she was gob smacked eye's popping out of her head, well worth the white lie.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Over the weekend Deepha got her last 2 points she needed to get her Show Certificate of Merit the forms have been filled in and posted so it's now subject to Kennel Club approval.
She is a fantastic girl for her age nine and a half, still very agile lovely mover and powerful, I feel she is a credit to the breed like some that have gone before her. Thank you Jan for everything!
Deepha and my dream now is to see if she can get her other 2 challenge certificates before she starts to look her age.
DEEPHA’S SHOW RESULTS (Open and Championship Shows)
2000Darwen Canine Society Open Show 16/12/2000 Best Rare Breed / Best Rare Breed Puppy 2001Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Open Show 14/10/2001 Best Bitch / Best of Breed
Blackpool Canine Society Championship Show 24/06/2001 Reserve Best Bitch Three Counties Agricultural Society Championship Show 11/06/2001 Reserve Best Bitch
Working and Pastoral Breeds of Wales 16/06/2001 Best Bitch Rare Breed/Best Opposite sex rare breed/ Best Puppy Rare Breed.Three Counties Championship Show 11/06/2001 Reserve Best Bitch Otley Canine Society Open Show 18/03/2001 Best of Breed/ Best Puppy
2002 Northern Belgiun Shepherd Dog Club 13/10/2002 Best Bitch/ Best of Breed
Darlington Dog Championship Show 14/09/2002 Reserve Best Bitch
Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show 17/08/2002 Best Bitch / Best of Breed
Blackpool Canine Society Championship Show 23/06/2002 Reserve Best Bitch
Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Championship Show 22/06/2002 Reserve Best of Breed / Reserve Best Bitch Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Championship Show 22/06/2002 Reserve Best Bitch Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Open Show 19/05/2002 Best Bitch / Best of Breed
Birmingham National Dog Championship Show 10/05/2002 Reserve Best Bitch
Fylde Kennel Association Open Show 06/04/2002 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Preston & District Canine Society Open Show 01/04/2002 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
2003 Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Open Show 12/10/2003 Best Bitch / Best of Breed
Darlington Dog Championship Show 13/09/2003 Best Bitch / Best of Breed
National Working and Pastoral Breeds Championship Show 19/07/2003 Reserve Best BitchBlackpool Canine Society Championship Show 22/06/2003 Best Bitch / Best of Breed
Three Counties Championship Show 11/06/2003 Reserve Best Bitch
National Dog Show Birmingham Championship Show 10/05/2003 Best Bitch
Great Harwood Agricultural Show 26/05/2003 Best AV Belgian Shepherd
Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Open Show 17/05/2003 Best Bitch /Reserve Best of Breed / Best Opposite Sex
Birmingham National Dog Championship Show 10/05/2003 Best Bitch /Best Opposite Sex
West of England Ladies Kennel Society Championship Show 26/04.2003 Reserve Best Bitch
The BSD Club of Ireland Championship Show 30/03/2003 Reserve Green StarThe BSD Club of Ireland Group Championship Show 29/03/2003 Reserve Green Star
Crufts Championship Show 07/03/2003 Reserve Best of Breed
2004 Midland Counties Championship Show 31/10/2004 Best Bitch/ Best of Breed
Expostition de Championnat 28/29 /08/2004 CSAU Excellent- Tan Simple- graded Excellent
Bolton Town Open Show 22/08/2004 Best AVNSC / Group 3
National Working and Pastoral Breeds Championship Show 17/07/2004 Reserve Best Bitch
Great Harwood Agricultural Show 31/05/2004 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Bath Championship Show 30/05/2004 Best Bitch/ Best Opposite Sex
Norhtern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Open Show 15/05/2004 Best Bitch/Best of Breed
Crufts Championship Show 06/03/2004 Reserve Best Bitch
National Working and Pastoral Breeds Open Show 14/02/2004 Reserve Best Bitch/ Best Opposite Sex 2005 Cheltham & District Canine Society Open Show 09/10/2005 Best Bitch, Best of Breed Darlington Dog Championship Show 17/09/2005 Best Opposite Sex/ Best Bitch
Richmond Championship Show 11/09/2005 Reserve Best Bitch
The Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show 20/08/2005 Reserve Best Bitch
Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Gt Britain Championship Show 06/08/2005 Reserve Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best Bitch
East of England Championship Show 21/07/2005 Best Opposite Sex, Best Bitch
South Wales Kennel Association Championship Show 10/07/2005 Reserve Best Bitch
Blackpool Championship Show 26/06/2005 Best Opposite Sex, Best Bitch
Three Counties Championship Show 13/06/2005
Bath Championship Show 29/05/2005 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Open Show 22/05/02005 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Birmingham National Championship Dog Show 05/05/2005 Best Opposite Sex, Best Bitch
West of England Ladies Kennel Society Championship Show 29/04/2005 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Crufts Championship Show 13/03/2005 Reserve Best Bitch
National Working and Pastoral Breeds Open Show 12/02/2005 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Ladies Kennel Associiation Championship Show 09/12/2006 Reserve Best Bitch
Midland Counties Championship Show 27/10/2006 Best Bitch/ Best Opposite Sex
Fylde Kennel Association Open Show 08/10/2006 Best AVNSC Pastoral & Group 2
The Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show 20/08/2006 Reserve Best Bitch & Reserve CC
East of England Agricultural Society Championship Show 20/07/2006 Best Bitch
South Wales Kennel Association Championship Show 09/07/2006 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Blackpool & District Canine Society 25/06/2006 Best Bitch
Three Counties Championship Show 15/06/2006 Reserve Best Bitch
Southern Counties Canine Association Championship Show 04/06/2006 Best Bitch
West of England Ladies Kennel Society Championship Show 29/04/2006 Reserve Best Bitch
Workinging and Pastoral Breeds of Wales 15/04/2006 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
National Working and Pastoral Breeds Open Show 11/02/2006 Reserve Best of Breed
Cheltham & District Canine Society Open Show 05/02/2006 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
2007 Workinging and Pastoral Breeds of Wales 21/04/2007 Reserve Best Bitch
West of England Ladies Kennel Society Championship Show 28/04/2007 Reserve Best Bitch
Norhtern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Open Show 19/05/2007 Reserve Best Bitch
Bath Championship Show 27/05/2007 Best Bitch /Best of Breed
Southern Counties Canine Association Championship Show 03/06/2007 Best Bitch / Best of Breed
Three Counties Championship Show Championship Show 13/06/2007 Reserve Best Bitch
Cheshire County Open Show 20/06/2007 Reserve Best of Breed
Blackpool Championship Show 24/06/2007 Reserve Best Bitch
South Wales Kennel Association Championship Show 08/07/2007 Best Bitch / Best of Breed
Darlington Dog Championship Show 15/09/2007 Reserve Best Bitch
Cheltenham & District canine Society Open Show 11/02/2007 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Midland Counties Canine Society Championship Show 25/10/2007 Reserve Best Bitch
Cheltenham & District canine Society Open Show 10/11/2007 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
2008 Evesham & District Canine Society Open Show 13/07/2008 Reserve Best of Breed
Working & Pastoral breeds As of Wales Championship Show 19/04/2008 Best Opposite Sex, Best Bitch
Bath canine Society Championship Show 25/05/2008 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Southern Counties Canine Association Championship Show 01/06/2008 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Three Counties Championship show 11/06/2008 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Blackpool Championship Show 22/06/2008 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
West of England Ladies Kennel Society Championship Show 27/04/2008 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
South Wales K A Championship Show 06/07/2008 Reserve Best Bitch,
East of England General Championship Show 17/07/2008 Best Opposite Sex, Best Bitch
Belgian Shepherd Dog Ass Great Britain Open Show 05/10/2008 Best Bitch
Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Open Show 12/10/2008 Reserve Best Bitch
Midland Counties Championship Show 24/10.2008 Best Bitch, Best Opposite Sex
2009 Cheltenham & District Canine Society Open Show 01/02/2009 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Accrington & District canine Association Open Show 10/04/2009 Best NSC Group 2
West of England Ladies Kennel Society Championship Show Reserve Best Bitch
Cheshire County Show Open Show 24/06/2009 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Southern Counties Canine Association Championship Show 07/06/2009 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Blackpool Championship Dog Show 28/06/2009 Best Bitch, Best of Breed and Group 1
Evesham & District Canine Society Open Show 19/07/2009 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
National Working & Pastoral Breeds Society 18/07/2009 Reserve Best Bitch, Reserve CC
Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Cub Championship Show 01/08/2009 Reserve Best Bitch
The Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show 22/08/2009 Reserve Best Bitch & Reserve CC Richmond Championship Show 12/09/2009 Best Bitch, Best of Breed & Challenge Certificate
Darlington Dog Show Society 19/09/2009 Best Bitch , Best Veteran & Best of Breed
The Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of GB Open Show 04/10/2009 Best Veteran Bitch
Midland Counties Canine Society 24/10/2009 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Cub Open Show11/10/2009 Best Bitch, Best Veteran Bitch &;Reserve Best of Breed
Burton on Trent Kennel Association Open Show 14/11/2009 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Cheltenham & District Canine Society Open Show 15/11/2009 Best Bitch, Best of Breed
Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show 13/12/2009 Reserve Best NSCP
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Show wise Deepha and I went to Grantham Open show and won 2nd so we left early and went to visit Jan.
While I was there I was very pleased to hear later in the day Lucy and Dana won the pastoral group (Bonvivant Sorciere) seems like the judges are beginning to notice a good dog when they see one and not just pass us by. Well Done Lucy and Dana!
On the Sunday I was stewarding for Blackpool Toy Dog Open Show at St Annes , they asked me about 4-5 years ago, I do it twice a year.
I realy enjoy stewarding for them they are realy a happy society always laughing and jokeing.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Well went to work this morning to start at 10 am my client said there was nothing for me to do because he has the decorators in so I said I would come back on monday.
I didn't mind gives me more time to do my printing, I am in the middle of printing my 4th poetry book, first time I have printed it myself , sounds easy but it's not, decided to have a go myself to try and keep the costs down, and that side of it has worked.
Must get on with my printing need the books for Midland Counties.
If you would like one just email me.
I didn't mind gives me more time to do my printing, I am in the middle of printing my 4th poetry book, first time I have printed it myself , sounds easy but it's not, decided to have a go myself to try and keep the costs down, and that side of it has worked.
Must get on with my printing need the books for Midland Counties.
If you would like one just email me.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Well the weather is begining to get colder even when the sun shows its head it is chilly, the winds are also getting stronger, anyway that enough of the weather forecast.
Have been very busy lately with work and going to a lot of shows.
At Stafford & district Canine Society Open Show Deepha won 3rd in AVNSC Open.
The Belgian Shepherd Dog Ass of GB Deepha won 2nd in Malinois Open Bitch and Best Veteran Bitch.
South Wales Kennel Ass Deepha won 3rd in Malinois Open bitch.
The Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Deepha won 1st in Malinois Open Bitch, Best Bitch, best Veteran Bitch, and Reserve Best of Breed.
Still got 6 more shows to go to before the end of the year, 2 championship and 4 Open.
I have some new pictures to go on the blog but for some reason best known to itself the computer wont do it.
Have been very busy lately with work and going to a lot of shows.
At Stafford & district Canine Society Open Show Deepha won 3rd in AVNSC Open.
The Belgian Shepherd Dog Ass of GB Deepha won 2nd in Malinois Open Bitch and Best Veteran Bitch.
South Wales Kennel Ass Deepha won 3rd in Malinois Open bitch.
The Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club Deepha won 1st in Malinois Open Bitch, Best Bitch, best Veteran Bitch, and Reserve Best of Breed.
Still got 6 more shows to go to before the end of the year, 2 championship and 4 Open.
I have some new pictures to go on the blog but for some reason best known to itself the computer wont do it.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Deepha and I went to Darlington Championship Show yesterday at Newby Hall Ripon North Yorkshire we were third in the ring this was about 12.30pm there was 7 entered and 10 entries Cougar (Ch Bonvivant Esprit) won Best Dog and Best Opposite Sex, Reserve Best Dog was Sam ( Bonvivant Saumur), Deepha ( Bonvivant Coup De Foudre avec Zodantta Csau-ex .Tan) won Best Bitch and Best of Breed also Best Veteran, Reserve Best Bitch was Lexi ( Bonvivant Symbolique at Tokyn), Best Puppy in Breed was Chic ( Bonvivant Ysatis).
Had a realy lovely day weather was lovely and hot quite different to last year , which was wet cold and very muddy.
Had a realy lovely day weather was lovely and hot quite different to last year , which was wet cold and very muddy.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Last weekend Deepha and I went down to Jan's so we could go down to Richmond Championship Show at Losely Park, with her and Barbara.
(Barbara has Kobra's brother Sam)
It was a lovely sunny day left Jan's at approx 5.45 am but it took us ages to get there because of road works on the A1, we finerly arrived at 9.45 am ish so it was a mad dash to the ring as judging was at 10 and we were first in the ring which was unusual to say the least anyway Jan was in first with her young pup they had called the class but Zena Thorn Andrews was the judge and told Jan to take her time so not to freek Yaz out.
Zena was getting through the classes very quickly before I new it I was in with Deepha.
Deepha won her class then went on to challenge for best bitch which she won.
Then was the time for the CC it was a single which for those reading this and don't know who ever gets BOB gets the CC no matter if its a dog or bitch (thank god this is the last single)
Well much to my surprise Deepha won the CC this is her first but I hope not her last.
There is no more CC's to challenge for this year we will have to wait till Crufts 2010.
So as you can guess we all came home floating.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Last weekend with it being bank holiday my husband John decided that the kio carp hadn't been reading the right books.
I said what are you on about?
He said the book that tells them when to stop growing (Ha Ha)
So he decided to make the pond bigger as you can see it's like a building site, Kobra is in his element in and out of the water and mud, Deepha goe's for the easy life with me in the study just going out now and again to have a play with him.
When John had dismantled the old pond I asked him if he wished he hadn't started it he said yes he had forgotton what such a big job it was.
But now all the digging out has been done and he is rebuilding it he said he will be glad to go to work for a rest (Ha Ha).
All this upheavel is outside my front door, but i'm sure it will be nice when it's finished.
I think it will be more like a lake than a pond.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Well of Deepha and I went to Welsh Kennel, we left home at 1.30am to get a good run with very little traffic when we were about an hour away form our destination I pulled into a closed services to have a sleep when I woke we had been there about an hour this was 5am so off we went for the last part of our journey arrived at Biulth Wells at 6.45am had to wait till 7 am before they would let us in.
When we had parked I had a little relax for awhile took Deepha for a walk to stretch our legs then I started to take my stuff into the cattle shed were the rings and benches were. Judging was meant to start at 10am with Greonendael then Tervueren, we didn't think we would be in the ring before 3pm but Judge Jean Lawless was quite quick and we were in a lot sooner. Bitch CC and best of Breed went to Gaffey's Sabrefield Sequoya who was also made up on the day Dog CC went to Jan's Bonvivant Tete A Tete, Reserve Dog CC was Jan's puppy Bonvivant Yazoo
Reserve Bitch CC was my own Bonvivant Coup De Foudre avec Zodantta (Deepha)
Best Puppy in Breed was Bonvivant Yazoo.
Best Malinois Breeder was Jan Ralph then we went on to main ring for Best Pastoral Breeder group and we were so delighted when we won it.
Deepha and I started our journey home about 6pm it was a good journey I decided not to stop and we arrived home after picking up some tea for me at the local Chinese about 9.15pm very tired , I fed Deepha had my tea come supper and then relaxed for awhile before going to bed.
Sunday, 9 August 2009
What a great time we had the week we went down to Jans.
I went down on the Thursday evening got there about 9pm tired after the long journey, had a coffee and chatted till the early hours.
On the Friday it was all go getting the things Jan had ordered for the picnic and the barby then starting to prepare them and get things that needed cooking cooked in between seeing to the dogs, we decided to have an easy meal in the evening as we didnt have time to stop, so I nipped to the chippy, my god were they good.
When we had finished feeding our faces I went and help Jan with the dogs, that was a long tyering day.
Not to late to bed as we had to be up at 4am to go to the show at Uttoxeter.
Deepha (Bonvivant Coup De Foudre avec Zodantta) came second in Open Bitch and first in Veteran Bitch was graded Excellent she won reserve best bitch at the Northern BSD Champ Show under Mon Michel Griol.
On the Sunday was the BSDAGB Champ Show Deepha won Open Bitch was graded Excellent again by American Judge Sharon Redmer.
One of the highlights of this show was that Deepha's sister Cher (Bonvivant C'est Chic) won Best Veteran in Show.
After the excitment of the weekend on the Monday we all mucked in getting the picnic food ready for Tuesday and making sure we had everything ready for the barby on wednesday.
Tuesday afternoon we went to the beach at Scagness there was 7 people and I think 10 dogs
it was great Deepha and I went a walk up the beach she thought it was great.
After all the dogs had had a blow out on the beach we went back to the cars for our picnic which I think everybody enjoyed sand flies and wasps didn't dampen the day thats part of having a picnic isn't it.
On the Wednesday lots of us jammed into the kitchen to help Jan take everything out to where the barby was, there was loads of food of different sorts it was super there was a agility course that everybody could have a go on, Deepha enjoyed herself on that, Steve Hughes did some fun obedience later on, and the barby was going all day and into late evening.
It was a great atmosphere, and Deepha and I realy enjoyed it.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Been kept busy with housework etc over last weekend trying to get house in order so I don't have to worry while I am away next week.
Looking forward to going down to Jan's for the week ,got the 2 championship shows over weekend and then Jan has laid on something special for tuesday and wednesday, then I'm home thursday.
It will be nice to meet friends that I haven't seen for awhile.
See you at Uttoxeter.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009

photo by Denman
photo JRalph
Hi sorry I haven't posted for a while but here we go.
I came down to earth with a big bang at East of England we had a allrounder judge and she gave Deepha 3rd in open bitch so there you go.
I came down to earth with a big bang at East of England we had a allrounder judge and she gave Deepha 3rd in open bitch so there you go.
We went to National Working and Pastoral champ show on 18th July we had tickets on offer Deepha got reserve CC under a breed judge.
Deepha and I camped that night there was Eversham Open show the next day, the weather was very wet infact it chucked it down all day on the sunday with very little bright places.
Deepha won the Malinois open and she got Best of Breed, we stayed for the group but got chucked out.
We left for home about 3.50pm and got home about 7.30pm the weather on the way home was terrible in places the traffic was traveling at 20 miles per hour because the rain was that heavy you could not see in front of you (scary!)
Well our next outing is the Back to Back so see you there.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Well still not down to earth yet, it still hasn't sunk in what she has realy achieved.
She had a photo shoot today with the photographer from the Courier our local paper, I got a look in this time because he wanted a picture of both of us.
We have had lots and lots of congratulations from many many people and she's laid here taking everything in her stride.
Deepha's next outing is East of England we are going to stay with her breeder Jan.
She had a photo shoot today with the photographer from the Courier our local paper, I got a look in this time because he wanted a picture of both of us.
We have had lots and lots of congratulations from many many people and she's laid here taking everything in her stride.
Deepha's next outing is East of England we are going to stay with her breeder Jan.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
It was Blackpool Championship Show this weekend I had been stewarding on the friday and saturday but on the sunday was pastoral day and I had entered Deepha.
On the way to the show a black cat crossed my path and I thought well we won't do very well today as these sort of things have the opposite effect what should be lucky is normally unlucky but not today deepha won Best of Breed and then to my utter amazement and still disbelief she won the Pastoral group, what a shock ! I still can't believe it.
Last wednesday we went to Cheshire show and she won best of breed there.
Oh I am so proud of her.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Saturday, 13 June 2009

Not been doing much lately weather not been to great and working hard.
I took Deepha to Southern Counties last Sunday, started out on our journey at 3.50 am, roads were quite and the weather was dry till we approached Birmingham then the heavens opened.
The rain continued chucking it down till I was getting near to the A34 the the sky seemed to start clearing and in patches over the day the sun came out and was quite warm.
It was a very long day for both of us we were the last in the ring.
The judging started at 10 am Briards were first in the ring, then our judge started at approx 12.30 pm the Tervueren were judged first there was a few absent, then the Groenendael followed by the Laekenois and we ended up in the ring at about 4.00pm Deepha won her class and got BOB.
After I had packed up said my goodbye's and started home at approx 5 pm.
The weather was still dry but there was a few more cars on the road after stopping once at Keele so we all could have a call of nature and I had a sleep for an hour, we arrived home at approx 10pm (knackered) and still knackered the next day.
I must be mad!!
Anyway no more shows for a couple of weeks so I can get some energy back to start again.
I took Deepha to Southern Counties last Sunday, started out on our journey at 3.50 am, roads were quite and the weather was dry till we approached Birmingham then the heavens opened.
The rain continued chucking it down till I was getting near to the A34 the the sky seemed to start clearing and in patches over the day the sun came out and was quite warm.
It was a very long day for both of us we were the last in the ring.
The judging started at 10 am Briards were first in the ring, then our judge started at approx 12.30 pm the Tervueren were judged first there was a few absent, then the Groenendael followed by the Laekenois and we ended up in the ring at about 4.00pm Deepha won her class and got BOB.
After I had packed up said my goodbye's and started home at approx 5 pm.
The weather was still dry but there was a few more cars on the road after stopping once at Keele so we all could have a call of nature and I had a sleep for an hour, we arrived home at approx 10pm (knackered) and still knackered the next day.
I must be mad!!
Anyway no more shows for a couple of weeks so I can get some energy back to start again.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Monday, 1 June 2009

John and Deepha (What u got Dad)
Took Kobra training on Friday very pleased with him, he seems to be improving slowly, there's no rush.
I went to Westmorland Canine Association to help steward for there Open show, they gave me the toy ring, guess what! it was the biggest amount of classes and the biggest entry, and they wanted me to show a new commer the ropes, so I thought what the heck I was there once.
The judge I was stewarding for was very nice very patient and a lovely lady to boot.
When we had finished all the judging the judge gave me a present and thanks for stewarding for her that's got to be a first in my book it was a lovely thought.
Deepha and I are at Southern Counties next Sunday, If your going I will see you there.
Just some pictures of Kobra and Deepha which I took on my new phone.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Another lovely weekend
Monday Deepha and I went to a local Open show at Great Harwood no classes for Mals so she went in AVNSC Open and won the class. Weekend before I went to SKC with Lucy it was very nice to be driven I saw the lovely scenery on the way which made a nice change Deepha was in Open bitch and came second.
Deepha was 9 years old last Wednesday so both her and Kobra had a very large knuckle bone.
Next weekend I am stewarding for a local Open show, then the weekend after that both Deepha and I will be going to Southern Counties Champ Show. If your going I will see you there.
Monday Deepha and I went to a local Open show at Great Harwood no classes for Mals so she went in AVNSC Open and won the class. Weekend before I went to SKC with Lucy it was very nice to be driven I saw the lovely scenery on the way which made a nice change Deepha was in Open bitch and came second.
Deepha was 9 years old last Wednesday so both her and Kobra had a very large knuckle bone.
Next weekend I am stewarding for a local Open show, then the weekend after that both Deepha and I will be going to Southern Counties Champ Show. If your going I will see you there.
Sunday, 24 May 2009




Well what a turn up for the books it's SUNNY!! and quite warm breeze.
Both John and I have been working in the garden, had to put a net over the big pond as the herons have had all the small fish in the little pond, all these years we have been here and never been bothered with the herons before.
Swollows are nesting again in the same places, its lovely to see all the different birds.
The bird twitters are about again coming in coach loads now they are a pain cars and coaches just stop anywhere blocking drives and roads and they look at you as if you shouldn't be there.
There's a few of old and new photo's, there's one of Lisa walking Deepha along the sea wall when she was here.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Been very busy lately what with work and trying to organise my own home as well.
Lisa came for the day a couple of monday's ago, we had a nice day we took my dogs along the sea wall at Fluke Hall the sea was way way out and it was breezy but lisa and the dogs seemed to enjoy it as did I.
Last monday I was steward for 46 classes and 16 breeds at the North West Canine Charity Show I enjoyed it but it was very taxing.
This weekend Deepha and I went to the Birmingham National Champ Show at Stafford, she won her class and as usual showed like a trooper, next week Lucy and Dana are coming Saturday evening as we have a early start Sunday morning to go to Scottish Kennel.
Lisa came for the day a couple of monday's ago, we had a nice day we took my dogs along the sea wall at Fluke Hall the sea was way way out and it was breezy but lisa and the dogs seemed to enjoy it as did I.
Last monday I was steward for 46 classes and 16 breeds at the North West Canine Charity Show I enjoyed it but it was very taxing.
This weekend Deepha and I went to the Birmingham National Champ Show at Stafford, she won her class and as usual showed like a trooper, next week Lucy and Dana are coming Saturday evening as we have a early start Sunday morning to go to Scottish Kennel.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Well we have both been busy this weekend doing gardening haven't had any time of late so with the weather being nice and sunny have made the most of it.
Both Deepha and Kobra have been having fun running around and chasing each other Kobra has been in the pond swilling around the tadpoles poor things I bet there dizzy but can't keep Kobra out of the pond he loves it.
Kobra went to his training last friday he seems to be coming on a lot better he was a lot calmer than previous weeks also he is calmer at home, he greets me at the stairs in the morning and dosen't back off like he use to.
He missed the week before because I was at Accrington Open show with Deepha and he will miss next week because I am at W.E.L.K.S with Deepha, but I am very pleased with his progress so far.
Both Deepha and Kobra have been having fun running around and chasing each other Kobra has been in the pond swilling around the tadpoles poor things I bet there dizzy but can't keep Kobra out of the pond he loves it.
Kobra went to his training last friday he seems to be coming on a lot better he was a lot calmer than previous weeks also he is calmer at home, he greets me at the stairs in the morning and dosen't back off like he use to.
He missed the week before because I was at Accrington Open show with Deepha and he will miss next week because I am at W.E.L.K.S with Deepha, but I am very pleased with his progress so far.
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Friday, 10 April 2009
What a great day Deepha and I have had!
Last night the secretary of Accrington D.C.S rang me to ask me if I would steward for them at the show she said the commitee agreed that it was ok for me to show Deepha as well.
They wanted me to steward for the Terriers which was in the morning and my class was in the afternoon.
Anyway I agreed, everybody on the commitee were very happy go lucky people, my stewarding stint finished about 12.30 pm.
So left me plenty of time to sort Deepha out (not that she needed it) the time finely came for us to go into our class AVNSC Pastoral Open there was 7 in the class, Deepha won the class and went on to win Best Pastoral AVNSC, then we went into the Group and she won Pastoral Group 2 I was over the moon (if it had been low enough I would have jumped over it) I could not have asked anymore from her she was super.
I just thought I would share my excitement with you all.
Last night the secretary of Accrington D.C.S rang me to ask me if I would steward for them at the show she said the commitee agreed that it was ok for me to show Deepha as well.
They wanted me to steward for the Terriers which was in the morning and my class was in the afternoon.
Anyway I agreed, everybody on the commitee were very happy go lucky people, my stewarding stint finished about 12.30 pm.
So left me plenty of time to sort Deepha out (not that she needed it) the time finely came for us to go into our class AVNSC Pastoral Open there was 7 in the class, Deepha won the class and went on to win Best Pastoral AVNSC, then we went into the Group and she won Pastoral Group 2 I was over the moon (if it had been low enough I would have jumped over it) I could not have asked anymore from her she was super.
I just thought I would share my excitement with you all.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Photo's taken today
Had a nice surprise last Sunday because they had turned the electric off from 8.30am to 4 pm John said he would take me out to dinner, we went done to my daughters local where they do lovely meals ,it was a lovely change and relaxing (no cooking or clearing up) yepi!
Kobra has started training for his silver good citizen, not to happy on his first visit but hopefully he will improve.
I think this seems to be a common thing with the Sky reps, I put in an order at my local Asda Store they were ment to be comming last Friday morning to install it there was no show by 10 am so rang them no order had been put through I was levid as he had my bank details and card details including my code.
Anyway I reordered on the phone so they should be comming monday 23rd between 12 - 5pm.
Anybody that is thinking of getting sky don't order by a rep ring up and do it on the phone.
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